Archive for December, 2008|Monthly archive page

Toddler Demands

On Sunday, (December 21) Winter Solstice, I was busy. Cooking brunch, dishes, laundry, wiping Mateo’s nose, cleaning. But mostly I was wiping Mateo’s nose. All morning all I heard every minute or two was “Kleenex!” He can wipe his own nose, but this time, being really sick he wanted me to do it, not Grammy who was visiting, not Papa, just Mama. so I did, over and over, while I also tried to get things done and meet all the other demands of juice, water, or just to hold him. 

Then came the time when my husband kept on calling me over to the computer where he was trying to look for Christmas gifts. He would call me over to look at whichever potential gift he found, then Mateo would call me back to the table where he was needing a kleenex or juice, kleenex again, more chips (tortilla chips, baked, not fried). Back adn forth I wnt lik a pin pong ball, over and over. Finally I gave up trying to meet both of thier demancds for my attention and I sate down on our table that holds our TV, from there Mateo could see me, which is what he really wanted. But he still called me, then my husband called me.

“Mama!” (As he looked towards the desk where his father sat.)

“My Honey!”


“My Honey!”

Back and forth, louder and louder. A new game had been born and I could sit and relax, while they hollered back and forth.